Vintage Dooney ID Service
Splendid Vintage Dooney ID Service
Calling Vintage Dooney Handbag owners:
- If you are passionate about finding and identifying these Vintage Dooney and Bourke leather treasures to add to your collection, this service is for you!
- Send pictures and questions about your Dooney bag or accessory you'd like to have identified and I will research it for you. As much information as can be found from Dooney & Bourke will be shared with you.
- For example, this will include as many of the following as are available-
- Collection name
- Model name
- Year(s) in production
- Colors Dooney & Bourke made it in
- Measurements
- Dooney discriptions
- Original price Dooney charged
In addition to all of the above listed Dooney information available about your bag, I will give you:
- an estimate of what amount $$$ you might expect to be paid when selling it online (Ebay, Etsy, Craigslist).
Instructions on how to proceed after you purchase this ID Service
Text me (417-665-8996 and Email me (
your pictures of front, back, bottom, inside; approximate size of bag (WxLxD); your name